Saturday, August 28, 2010

Party Time!

I had my birthday party on saturday. It was AWESOME!

Sorry you all missed it. Here's some pics about my special day.

This is me waking up. I was trying to put two fingers up to show how old I am now.
Daddy made me a yummy pancake breakfast.
When I finished my breakfast, I went over to mooch food off of G-Pa's plate. "Bite, bite?"
This is my usual habit whenever G-Pa eats with us. I've never been denied :)
The night before my party, I watched Grammy and Josie mix up the cake batter.
Josie got to clean off the beater. Hey, I thought I was the one who was supposed to get messy!
Grammy baked the cake and assembled it to look like a dinosaur.
Didn't she do a great job!
I was very excited about it!
Here's me blowing out the candles.
I told Mommy I wanted to eat a leg.
Look my hands are almost still clean!
Josie enjoyed her piece of cake too! (Actually she had two pieces!)
Aunt Debbie and cousin Breanna celebrated with us too! I love it when they come to visit.
Now it was time for the presents.
I got tons of cool stuff. Books, clothes, Bob the Builder stuff, money, blocks, a wagon, etc. etc.
Here's my new tool belt so I can help Daddy build our new house!
And here we are playing with my new T-ball set.
I did NOT want any help from Daddy! Let me go!
I let Josie have a try too. She's actually pretty good. Don't tell her I said that.

Look Who's Two!

Josh here. I turned 2 this past week. Can you believe it?

I had my obligatory doctor's appointment. No shots this time. Yeah!

Here's my stats:

Height: 37.5 inches (off the charts tall!)
Weight: 33 lbs. (90-95% -Sumo wrestler in training)

Here are some random pictures of my cuteness.

Here's me "riding" my dumptruck.
I like looking at my books...
and I can flash a killer smile on-demand.
I like bedtime with Daddy.
Now that I'm 2, I can help out more.
I love playing with our baby dolls. I've decided to wear the diaper bag as a backpack. This cracks up Mommy every time. (Daddy finds it all a little disturbing.)
Josie has been teaching me everything she knows, good and bad!
Stay tuned for party pics!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Run Away, Run Away

Do NOT come anywhere near our house, or rather I should just say "If you see us, run in the other direction". We don't have our house yet.

Josie has successfully defeated her pneumonia. She was diagnosed with it two weeks ago in her entire left lung. After heavy antibiotics (which has turned her teeth brown) and nebulizer breathing treatments, her lungs got the all clear today from the doctor. Now she has just picked up a regular old virus with the usual cold symptoms and some fluid in one ear that may or may not turn into an ear infection. And we will be making an appointment with a dentist to find out how to get her teeth looking like she didn't borrow them from Abe Lincoln (wooden teeth).

At the very same aformentioned doctor's appointment, Josh was diagnosed with pneumonia in his upper right lung and was prescribed some other antibiotic which will hopefully not turn his teeth brown. We will find out in two weeks if he has successfully defeated his pneumonia.

While Daddy finished up the doctor's appointment with the kids. Mommy zipped away to her own doctor's appointment to find out if the kids so kindly shared their pneumonia with her. Although a diagnosis could not be confirmed without an X-ray (which would be bad for baby), due to symptoms and family history, Mommy is now being treated for pneumonia too. Pneumonia at 35+ weeks pregnant. Fun times.

Daddy is the only thing holding this family together at the moment (and I think he has to go back to work tomorrow. Yikes!). Please pray for him. The pneumonia plague can't take him out too.