Thursday, June 19, 2008

We celebrated Grandpa Royer and Mommy's birthdays last week.
Of course, no matter what the occassion, I am always the center of attention! Notice my spot at the head of the table.

It was REALLY HOT last week. Check out this sweet pool we got! I love playing in the water, even though the water is too cold for Mommy and Daddy.

This is what my Daddy's been doing on Saturdays. Sometimes Mommy and I come visit. Grandpa, Uncle Aaron and Daddy work out in the sweltering heat all day, while Grandma and I supervise from the shade. We do occassionally let them take breaks.

I like to wear sunglasses when eating my breakfast. It helps me maintain my secret identity. Few people know that I have superhero powers. Here I am practicing my Spiderman web throw.

We've been having lots of thunderstorms lately. When the power went out, I had fun figuring out how to use a flashlight.

Here I am telling Mommy a ghost story. Do I look spooky?

I like to help Mommy around the house, especially when I can get all wet. As you can see here, I am the quality assurance inspector when scrubbing the kitchen floor.

Mommy's been sick and pregnant (whatever that means), so some unusual things have been happening lately. We drove past a building with a red roof on it, and some guy handed Mommy a bag through the car window! She seemed very excited and started stuffing her face with some little yellow sticks and shoveling heaping spoonfulls of something from a cup into her mouth.

When we got home, we had a picnic in front of the TV. Hmmm, maybe Mommy should be sick and pregnant more often...

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Hi everyone. I'm sorry for not blogging for a while. Here are some pictures from May. These first ones are from Mother's Day up at Grandma Royer's house.

Have I told you that I love flowers?

This is our family picture on Mother's Day.
Check out my dress. Oh! and don't forget the shoes too!!!

This is the "generations" picture.

During my snack time I tried Animal Crackers for the first time. Wow! And how about that cool box they come in? I am keeping that one.
I have been introduced to the tooth brush. I am still confused about the difference between the tooth brush and the hair brush. They are both brushes, so why are they not interchangeable?

I love washing the car with Daddy. I am the Quality Control Manager. Daddy missed a spot, so I had to take care of it.
Afterwards I played in the mud puddles. How cool is that?!! Daddy had to hose me down and then put me straight into the bathtub.
I spent a day with my Cuz! She is a lot of fun.

Soooo, the other day they gave me ALL of my food at one time. What's up with that???
Hey now. Please, no pictures while I am in the reading room. How about a little privacy?