Friday, September 09, 2011

Beach Weekend

AJ here. After we got our power back, Daddy decided we needed to go to the beach.

(Mommy note: The beach has been changed a little by Hurricane Irene. In the foreground is a "pool" created during high tide. And in the background is the normal beachline. This worked out great for the kids.)

I love the beach. I love the sand. I love the water.

And now that I can crawl, I have the power to get to everything I want.

That's my private lifeguard.

Here is Josie for the two minutes she stayed still.

When I got tired out, I snuggled with Grammy for a while.

Back at the house, us kids like to hang out by the canal

and tackle G-Pa.

Another great weekend at the beach. Thanks Grammy and G-Pa!

Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Josh is 3!

I turned three years old at the end of August.

Mommy made me help make my own cake!

Of course, Josie wanted to have a turn too!

Fortunately, Mommy is so smart and made sure to bake the cake before we lost

power from Hurricane Irene. (By the way, we were out of power for three days.)

Then we left the cakes at Grammy's house and *poof*,

they magically turned into the best birthday cakes ever!

I'm three years old now. I don't make messes anymore.

Since we didn't have power, we grilled some chicken and

used our gas stove top to make carrots and asparagus.

And this post would not be complete without a pic of my little sis.