Monday, May 11, 2009

Bug Season

Spring is here. The bugs have invaded the house and we must defend ourselves. Mommy has devised an (somewhat) effective strategy. Here is how to battle the bugs.

Step 1: Panic (but try to fake that its no big deal).

Step 2: Run to the kitchen for a bowl (aka - bug containment unit) and hope the bug hasn't moved.

Step 3: Muster up the courage to get cloes enough to actually trap the bug under the bowl. (Spraying the bug with bug spray may be required.)

Step 4: Let out a battle cry and pounce on the bug, covering it with the bug containment unit.

Step 5: Laugh at the bug. Taunt it. And tell it to "Go Away, Bug".

Step 6: Hope that the bug doesn't call for backup.

Step 7: Watch the bug crawl around in circles for hours.
Step 8: Leave bug for Daddy to come home and "take care of it".

Step 9: Pray that no one will want to come see the house before Daddy comes home.

Friday, May 08, 2009

The Last Breakfast

I'm very sad to announce that this is a picture of the last meal that we shared with our beloved green bench before it was sent to rot at the county dump.
Our house has still gotten no offers, so we continue to borify it (Def: to make boring or inoffensive) in order to appease to the fickle/lazy/non-existent buyers out there.
I helped Daddy with removing the benches and "Swiffering" the floor.
Look! I'm so good, I can even clean floors without looking.
Here are some before and after pictures.



Admittedly, it does look nice. And its okay to say that you like the after better. The only problem is, I'm not even allowed to sit at this new table. "It's just for decoration", Mommy says. Bummer. I'll just keep asking her until she caves (or goes crazy).

Well, it's like our realtor says, "It's not how you live, it's how you sell."
But seriously, how much longer can we live like this?

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Rain, Rain, Go Away!

The only good thing about weeks and weeks of rain is ...
the puddles!

We miss you sunshine!

Monday, May 04, 2009

Who you callin' Cracker?

Yeah Baking Time! Mommy and I made (whole wheat) animal crackers this morning.
After you mix up the dough, you roll it out nice and thin. Using the rolling pin was lots of fun.
Then you use the animal cookie cutters to make the shapes,...
pull them out of the dough,...
and smash them onto the cookie sheet.
We chose butterflies, doggies, fish, duckies, and bears.
They are supposed to be crackers, but we only have big cookie cutters, so they look more like cookies.
Wanna try one?