Monday, February 28, 2011

My First Cereal

AJ here. I'm five months old now. Apparently that means that strange things will now be forcibly shoved into my mouth.

Not again! I'll close my eyes and think happy thoughts.

I'm glad that's over. Growing up is tough!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Spring-like Day

We had one really warm day a week ago. We took full advantage of it by spending 2 hours outside. Aside from eating lunch outside and playing tag, Josie worked on rebuilding her turtle shelter...

and Josh worked on his swing.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Josh's First Lollipop

Sunday, February 06, 2011

The Luge

While spending hours outside in the snow,

G-Pa constructed a sled run out of Snow Mountain,

complete with snow steps up the back side.

G-Pa holds the sled while Josie gets on...

And guides her along the top of the run

(so she doesn't slide over the side and get a concussion)

Repeat 100 times...

until the run is as slick as ice and goes all the way to the shed.

Definitely not something Mommy would suggest.

Thank goodness for Grandpas :)

Saturday, February 05, 2011


G-Pa spent hours outside in the snow with Josie. Bless his heart. One of their acitivities was a snowman. Of course, G-Pa did all the heavy lifting.

We now present Mr. Snowman.
And here he is an hour later...
Kinda creepy, right?!

Friday, February 04, 2011

AJ - 4 Months

AJ here. I'm 4 months old now.
Here are my stats:
Weight: 13 lbs. 6.4 oz. (50%)
Height: 25 in. (75-90%)
So I'm back in the "normal" range for size, but I'm off the charts cute!

My brother and sis love me lots!

I'm a very happy baby. Everyone always comments about what a good baby I am.
However, I do scream after baths during drying and dressing. And I like my diaper to be changed in the privacy of my own room. It is so difficult to maintain some modesty at this age :)
I make some strange guteral sounds when I'm tired and don't even pick me up unless its to take me to my bed. I still like sucking on my fingers/fist, but occassionally you'll see me nibbling on my wrist or forearm just like my big sis Josie.
I eat (nurse) five times a day. Wake-up is 7:30am. Bedtime is 8:00pm ish. And 3-4 naps during the day.
I'm starting to enjoy tickles and sometimes the people around me really crack me up. I hate tummy time and Mommy doesn't usually make me do it (Don't tell the doctor).
I do a lot more with my hands now, grabbing at toys and scratching the heck out of my scalp and anyone holding me.
Here are some old pics from months 2 and 3.

Thursday, February 03, 2011

Mommy's Little Helper

From time to time, we make a special treat for the workers helping to build our house. Here Josh was helping me clean up after making some brownies.

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Let It Snow

Here are some pictures of us playing in the snow.
We threw snowballs and went sledding down the driveway.

And tackled some big clods of snow left over from plowing.

Josie climbed Snow Mountain.

Stay tuned for posts on The Snowman and The Luge Run

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

State Farm Show

In January, Grammy and G-Pa took us to the State Farm Show.
Here we are watching the herding events.
Then we had a chance to pet a horse...
and watch a cow being sheared.
Can you take a little off the top?
We got to pet a humongous bunny.
You crack me up!
Here we are enjoying a potato donut.
Then we checked out some sheep.

And looked at this butter sculpture.
Here we are on the carousel.

We had a chance to "test-drive" some fancy tractors and other machines.

And finally, we watched some of the Kids Rodeo.