Friday, February 04, 2011

AJ - 4 Months

AJ here. I'm 4 months old now.
Here are my stats:
Weight: 13 lbs. 6.4 oz. (50%)
Height: 25 in. (75-90%)
So I'm back in the "normal" range for size, but I'm off the charts cute!

My brother and sis love me lots!

I'm a very happy baby. Everyone always comments about what a good baby I am.
However, I do scream after baths during drying and dressing. And I like my diaper to be changed in the privacy of my own room. It is so difficult to maintain some modesty at this age :)
I make some strange guteral sounds when I'm tired and don't even pick me up unless its to take me to my bed. I still like sucking on my fingers/fist, but occassionally you'll see me nibbling on my wrist or forearm just like my big sis Josie.
I eat (nurse) five times a day. Wake-up is 7:30am. Bedtime is 8:00pm ish. And 3-4 naps during the day.
I'm starting to enjoy tickles and sometimes the people around me really crack me up. I hate tummy time and Mommy doesn't usually make me do it (Don't tell the doctor).
I do a lot more with my hands now, grabbing at toys and scratching the heck out of my scalp and anyone holding me.
Here are some old pics from months 2 and 3.


At 8:07 PM , Blogger Andrea said...

oh my goodness! she has changed so much and what is it with these kids scratching their scalps! She's a beauty- glad she is doing well. Caleb weighs abotu 18lbs now! yikes! so glad things are goin well.


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