Sunday, August 30, 2009


Happy Birthday to me! We had a party on saturday. Grammy, G-Pa and my aunts and uncles and cousin all came to celebrate.
I liked getting ready for the party.
But the cake-eating was another story. Mommy thinks that all the people staring at me had a negative effect. I wouldn't even touch the cupcake. Mommy had to feed it to me.
The ice cream didn't go over well in the beginning either. But I did eventually warm up to it :)
Here's my obligatory party hat picture.
Opening presents was more fun. Grammy helped with opening and...
Josie helped too.
Here's me amidst the carnage.
G-Pa and Uncle Aaron were in charge of releasing the toys from their cardboard encasements.
Here's me using one of my new toys. I love it! It's a little vacuum, just for me.
I made out pretty good. Here's all my loot.
Then I enjoyed a game of dominoes with my cousin Breanna...
and some snuggle time on the couch with Grammy and G-Pa before bed.
All in all, its been a great birthday week. Thanks for sharing it with me!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Josh: Up Close and Personal

I'm ready for my close-up.
I'm one year old now, and I'm growing up fast. Mommy and Daddy say I won't be a baby much longer. I'm 4 lbs. heavier, and 1 inch longer than Josie was at my age. I've still only got two teeth, Josie had 6 by now. I seem to be on a similar schedule with crawling and walking so far. But I'm much more adventuresome and fearless than she ever was. I love sqeezing into small spaces and crawling over difficult terrain (ex: across a set of dumbbells and over the treadmill).

This is me waking up on my birthday. I still suck my thumb, but only when I'm in my crib. I "sleep" from 7pm to 8am. And I take two naps during the day.
I eat what the rest of the family eats now. I've surprised everyone by eating lasagna and enchiladas. I'm an eating machine. If its on my plate, I'll eat it.
If you catch me in the right mood, I'll sit and snuggle for a while, unlike my sister. Grammy loves this about me. I'm generally pretty easy to get along with. But I can pitch a fit when I'm hungry or tired. Mommy thinks I'm going to throw tantrums when I get older and the Two's will be Terrible. We'll see.

I also don't like strangers too much these days.
I love to crawl around, even when I have no particular place to go. Sometimes my hands make suction-cup popping sounds when I crawl. This makes Mommy smile because then she thinks of me as a super hero with suction-cup hands.
I'm not walking yet, not even cruising, which makes me a little behind for my age. I can pull up to my knees and can very rarely get up onto my feet. The good part about this is Mommy's getting some big arm muscles. I'm a good trainer. I make sure she gets several workouts every day.
Mommy takes me potty. But if she looks away for a minute, I like to climb off and spill all the potty contents onto the floor. Josie likes to help entertain me.
I've still only got two teeth (bottom front), but... I'm working on some more. That's right, I said SOME. Any mommies out there have to deal with 4 teeth coming in at the same time?!?
I haven't said any words yet, but Josie's done a really good job of teaching me to squeal like a girl.
Tomorrow is my party! I'll give you the highlights next week.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

What's Up Doc?

The only bad part about turning 1 is going to the doctor. Doc says I look good and am still way big. but I didn't get to leave without three shots.

Here's my stats:

Height: 32 inches

Weight: 25 lbs.

Mommy's gonna need a forklift soon!

Check back tomorrow for some developmental updates.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Me and My Vac

Josie's not the only one who does the cleaning around here. My favorite chore is vacuuming. I love this part here (see picture). And I'll get really mad when Josie tries to take it away. When its attached to the rest of the vacuum and Mommy is trying to clean, I will chase after it.
Here's me cleaning the closet doors.
Now I'll show you how to get those dust bunnies from under the door.
I like to end my cleaning sessions with some one-handed pushups.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Learning to Drive

Since it is my birthday this week, I got a car ride powered by Josie.
I love the wind in my hair...
and the thrill of the ride.
Whoa! That was intense!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Celebrating Josh Week

Hi. Josh here. This week is all about me! I turn one this week. Can you believe it?! Check back for daily posts all about me for one week only.

MyFirst Pancake Breakfast.
Let me check this stuff out.
Hey, I like it.
Daddy makes pancakes most saturday mornings. Eventhough I don't get any syrup like Josie, I'm glad I get to join in now.
I had milk for the first time too! Love it!

Friday, August 21, 2009


Hello adoring fans! If I haven't told you before. We LOVE the library. Every couple weeks we take out a Concept Kit. This one is about Community Helpers.
Look at all the cool stuff inside! Books, toys, a DVD and a CD about Community Helpers.
There are lots of different kinds of Community Helpers. I had no idea an aerobics instructor in pink tights and green leg warmers was a Community Helper. If I ever see one, I'll have to be sure to thank her. Some other interesting Community Helpers - a football player and a guy hocking computers out of the trunk of his car.
I want to be a firefighter. It is the coolest hat after all.
Josh has to be the construction worker. That hat is not as cool.
Josh: "I always get the leftovers."

Friday, August 14, 2009

First "Steps"

I, Josh, will now demonstrate how to climb stairs.
Step 1: Plant hands firmly on bottom step.
Step 2: Reach for next step.

Step 3: Straighten your legs and push that tushy up in the air.
Step 4: Celebrate your accomplishment!
Step 5: Look at your legs and try to figure out what to do next.
Step 6: Bend one knee and try lifting foot up on step.
Step 7: Raise other foot to first step.
Step 8: Repeat steps 5 thru 7 until Mommy stops you.

This is as far as I got before Mommy snatched me up to answer the phone. Pretty Impressive for a first try!