Friday, October 28, 2011


It's amazing how kids can fall asleep.

Here's Josh sitting on top of pillows, with a light shining on his face.

I wish I could sleep that well.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Hot Chocolate

We had our first mug of hot chocolate. Yum!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Fireplace Christening

Sorry for the silence folks. Blogger was having some picture-loading technical difficulties.

We had our first fire in our new fireplace earlier this month.

Isn't it pretty?!

When we have a fire in the fireplace it guarantees that nothing gets done around the house.

Monday, October 03, 2011

AJ is 1

Happy Birthday to me!

I turned one year old in September.

Here's my fabulous cake courtesy of Grammy.

I touched my cupcake a couple times, but did not dare eat it.

But I would eat it if Mommy fed it to me.

It was yummy!

Here are Josie and Josh at dinner.

Then I opened my presents.
Apparently the third baby doesn't get many presents on her first birthday.

But Grammy and G-Pa got me some presents.

One of my favorites is this stuffed caterpillar.