Tuesday, October 27, 2009

What's Up Doc?

I went in for my annually checkup today. Doc says I look great. And its okay if I never eat my dinner. I'm going to have some allergy testing done because I'm having coughing problems again. I've been doing my fish face and Singulair every day.

I'm still on the tall side, average in weight.
Height: 38.5 inches (75%)
Weight: 32lbs. (50-75%)

PS: Hope to share some house news soon. For now, I'll give you a little teaser. Our septic system failed inspection.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

We Are Family

We've had lots of family visiting over the past few weeks. This is cousin Gordon. He'll be two in a couple more days. He and Josh definitely look like they're related.
Here's all the cousins together, including Breanna.

Here is a pic of the cousins and Grandma and Grandpa Ambuel.
Look Out! Breanna's got her driver's permit.
She looks good behind the wheel doesn't she. Watch out all you teenage boys. You've got to get past Uncle Randy first :)
We've had so much fun! Hope you all can come see us again soon!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Happy Teeth

I went to the dentist for the first time yesterday. Prep for my appointment started a couple weeks ago. Mommy got these books from the library to teach me about the dentist. I learned lots of new things and I got very excited about going to the dentist.
Aside from falling in the parking lot and skinning both knees on the way in to the dentist office, I had a great time.
I got to hold the mirror in one hand and Mr. Thirsty in the other. I give Mr. Thirsty a kiss after the hygienist squirts water in my mouth.
Now my teeth are nice and clean.
The dentist said my teeth look good. But I've got a tongue thrust where I push my tongue forward instead of up when I swallow. That will have to be corrected when I get a little bit older because its pushing my two front teeth out.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Child Dedication

Children are a gift from the Lord!
(At least when they're being well behaved :)

Mommy and Daddy dedicated Josh at church last sunday.

"We acknowledge that this child is a gift from God, on loan to us for a short while. We commit ourselves to his welfare: emotionally, physically, socially, and spiritually. We will pray for this child. We will trust God to do what only He can in their lives. We will plan, train, love, discipline, and believe in them as God does. We will seek to honor the God-stamped image on him. We will seek out wise counsel and do our best to be growing and learning parents."

Here's a pic of most of the family who came to the church.Gordon and I were very well behaved. Gordon is my cousin. He came from Florida with Grandma and Grandpa Ambuel.
All the hoopla really tired Josh out.

Sunday, October 04, 2009

Gone Fishing

Actually we didn't go fishing, we went on vacation last week. We're back now and we've got another full week of fun. Grandma and Grandpa Ambuel and cousin Gordy are coming to visit later this week, we will be celebrating Josie's 3rd birthday on saturday, and we will be dedicating Josh at church on sunday.

We promise to post pics soon, but its gonna take Mommy a little while to get through the 300 (!) photos we took on vacation. Here's a little teaser...