Monday, October 19, 2009

Child Dedication

Children are a gift from the Lord!
(At least when they're being well behaved :)

Mommy and Daddy dedicated Josh at church last sunday.

"We acknowledge that this child is a gift from God, on loan to us for a short while. We commit ourselves to his welfare: emotionally, physically, socially, and spiritually. We will pray for this child. We will trust God to do what only He can in their lives. We will plan, train, love, discipline, and believe in them as God does. We will seek to honor the God-stamped image on him. We will seek out wise counsel and do our best to be growing and learning parents."

Here's a pic of most of the family who came to the church.Gordon and I were very well behaved. Gordon is my cousin. He came from Florida with Grandma and Grandpa Ambuel.
All the hoopla really tired Josh out.


At 7:04 PM , Blogger Caroline said...

congratulations! Your family is so blessed- Love Jan


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