Sunday, August 30, 2009


Happy Birthday to me! We had a party on saturday. Grammy, G-Pa and my aunts and uncles and cousin all came to celebrate.
I liked getting ready for the party.
But the cake-eating was another story. Mommy thinks that all the people staring at me had a negative effect. I wouldn't even touch the cupcake. Mommy had to feed it to me.
The ice cream didn't go over well in the beginning either. But I did eventually warm up to it :)
Here's my obligatory party hat picture.
Opening presents was more fun. Grammy helped with opening and...
Josie helped too.
Here's me amidst the carnage.
G-Pa and Uncle Aaron were in charge of releasing the toys from their cardboard encasements.
Here's me using one of my new toys. I love it! It's a little vacuum, just for me.
I made out pretty good. Here's all my loot.
Then I enjoyed a game of dominoes with my cousin Breanna...
and some snuggle time on the couch with Grammy and G-Pa before bed.
All in all, its been a great birthday week. Thanks for sharing it with me!


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