Thursday, April 30, 2009

Minnie Me

I look like an ordinary preschool kid who insists on wearing red and white polka dot shorts over her jammies.

But watch as a change into my alter ego right before your eyes...
This is me in full Minnie-mode. Check out my superhero pose.

I'm off to slay evil-doers with my cuteness!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Josh's Florida Vacation

I had a fantastic time in the Florida sun!
I enjoyed spending time with my Grandpa (who also shares my same birthday, in case you forgot).
And I got in some good bonding time with Grandma since Mommy's MilkBar is now CLOSED.
Here's Grandma and Grandpa with their two grandsons, me and Gordon.
Grandpa really loved having us little guys around.
My cousin Gordy cracks me up! It was nice having another little dude to hang with.
Breaking out the summer clothes was fun too. Don't I look so grown up and handsome!

I loved pool time with Daddy.

Check out my new ride
I decided to get my first tooth on vacation too. Bottom left front tooth. I handled it like a tough guy. Mommy didn't even know I was teething. I don't really like to show it off. And its really hard to see since it just came out.
The plane rides were no problem either. Not a single cry!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Josie's Florida Vacation

We're back. I had a fantastic time in Florida. Non-stop playing, lots of attention, tons of pool time. What more could a girl want.
Well, I did have to deal with my cousin Gordon. He's 1.5 years old and he's a handful. I was constantly trying to get away from him and telling him to "Go away". (Hey, if Jesus's disciples can tell the little children to "go away", then I can too. Mommy read that to me in a book.) That's my new favorite thing to say. That, and "Move!".
I also had to share some attention with Josh. But he gets to tell his story later.
Here we are enjoying breakfast together.
Grandma and Grandpa got us kids a fun playhouse to keep us entertained.
Can I help you?

Daddy took me swimming in the pool almost every day.

Grandpa introduced me to the joys of eating a McDonald's apple pie.
I didn't know such fine delicacies could come from a tiny green box.
Snuggle time with Daddy.
Grandpa took me to the local Children's Museum. I played Grocery Store with Grandpa.
Daddy helped me count the money.
I learned to look for wildfires.
I had my own cooking show.
I made Grandpa a pizza and delivered it to his table.

Oh, and by the way. Riding a plane was totally cool. When do we get to go again, Mommy?

Monday, April 13, 2009

Happy Easter!

Group photo time. Aren't we a good looking family! Look at my pretty Easter dress.
After church, we went to Grammy and G-pa's new house for Easter dinner. There was lots of good food on the table, but I hardly ate anything. I was too excited about my Easter gifts.
I got some bubbles. G-pa let me play with them in the house. If Grammy wonders why the coffee table is all sticky, it wasn't me!
Uncle Aaron joined in on the bubble fun too!
Aunt Kristin got me some Minnie Mouse ears and a little outfit from her trip to Walt Disney World. (You'll get to see the whole outfit another day.)
I got this neat-o kite in my Easter basket too. I loved walking around the house with it, but...
when G-pa took me outside to play with it, I cried because it was too windy. So G-pa and Uncle Aaron flew the kites while I watched from the window.
Happy Easter!

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Pack Up the Kitchen Sink

Hi there. Yes, I know its been too long since we've last talked. Mommy and Daddy's endless To-Do List has gotten the best of us all. Fortunately, we're heading for some R & R in sunny Florida next week when we visit Grandma and Grandpa Ambuel.

I've been on a plane before. But Mommy thinks I'm old enough now that I might freak out. So we've been reading books from the library about airplanes. I'm getting really excited about flying on a plane and I like to talk about it all the time. I think my favorite part is going to be the snacks.
We've already started packing. (Mommy's a little neurotic like that :)
It was fun to pull out the summer clothes.
After much deliberation, these outfits made the cut. Grandma and Grandpa, here's a preview of the cuteness to come.
Josh here.
Dude, I don't know what the big deal is. I've got everything I need. Let's go!
(Those are swim diapers. Grandma & Grandpa have a pool.)