Thursday, September 24, 2009

Camp Out

We went "camping" on Labor Day weekend. Well, let's just say we slept in a tent...
in Grammy and G-Pa's backyard. I helped Daddy put the poles together and pound in the stakes.

It's a nice tent. It even has a screened-in porch. I stayed in this tent when I was 8 months old. We went to a State Park. After that experience, Mommy and Daddy decided that a trial run in backyard camping is now a requirement for any new additions to the family.
Josh just spent time enjoying the outdoors while Daddy and I did the hard work.
Here he is playing with the sticks for the fire.

And relaxing out in the field.
When it got dark we had a "campfire".
And Grammy and G-Pa came out to join us. Josh loved the snuggle time and fell asleep in Grammy's arms.
And I got to spend some time with G-Pa.
Sleeping in the tent went surprisingly well, although Josh and I made sure to get everyone up earlier than normal. Josh looked very well rested and happy when he woke up.
Josh and I entertained each other for a little while until Mommy and Daddy decided to get up.
Here's Daddy and Josh in the morning.
Any of our friends like to join us next time we backyard camp?

Saturday, September 12, 2009

King of the Hill

Okay, so Mommy leaves me to play for a few minutes by myself so she can go do something real quick. This is how she found me a few minutes later.
After playing with the dumbbells for a while, I decided to conquer Mt. PicnicTable.
I thought it was quite amusing. Mommy, not so much. But she did run to get her camera before scooping me to safety.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Kitchen Helper

I help out around the house a lot too. I've recently been given the privilege of loading the dishwasher by myself.
I need a little guidance about where things go
and I don't totally get the dirty vs. clean part yet,
but I take my job very seriously.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Mr. Dustbuster

I'm at it again. This time with Mommy's Dustbuster.
I like to bust a move while I'm busting some dust.
I love this thing. I'll play with it for 20 minutes at a time.
Here I am getting some style points.

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Dress Up

I enjoy dressing up. I've got a box of accessories that I like to use. Don't I look so pretty?
Sometimes I improvise a little bit. Did you know cookie cutters can be repurposed as bracelets?
Of course, Josh is fair game for accessorizing too!
Josh: "What just happened here?"

Tuesday, September 01, 2009


As mentioned last week, I'm pretty fearless and I enjoy a good challenge. Here's me on the obstacle course that is our home gym.
I'll crawl up and down...
and again...
and again. Let me get a set in while I'm here.