Wednesday, March 07, 2012


Approved Workers Are Not Afraid (AWANA)
Josh and Josh have been going to AWANA at a local church.
And they love it!

Monday, March 05, 2012

Dress Up

Here they are, the princess and prince Charming.
This scenario is played over ad infinitum in our house.

Saturday, March 03, 2012

Random Josh Pics

This is Josh walking his dog.

Here is a photo of Josh's first stick-person drawing.

One of Josh's favorite things to do is play waiter.
Here's your food!
And don't forget to pay

Thursday, March 01, 2012

AJ Update

AJ is 17 months now.
She's definitely developing her own personality and preferences.

She likes playing with her brother and sister, but doesn't like to share what she is playing with.
She likes playing in the bathtub, but hates getting scrubbed down.
She definitely hates having her face and hands wiped after eating.
She loves getting her shoes and hat and coat, because that means we are going outside.
AJ is not walking yet, but she likes going for walks with Josie.