Friday, August 10, 2012

New Team Member

We have a new addition to our family.
This is her official introduction (only 2 months late...)

Penelope Grace
Born June 10th 2012 at 9:20 pm
8 lbs. 9 oz.
20.5 inches

She was born on G-Pa's birthday!
We drove to the hospital instead of his surprise birthday dinner.

Here are some pictures from the hospital.

Here is Mommy so happy to not be pregnant.
Number 4 out the doorProud Daddy

Proud Grammy

Introduction to her siblings
Josie, of course, is thrilled.

Josh put on a happy face.
AJ, not so much.

Actually, the kids were more excited about taking a ride on the hospital bed
and reading stories
Getting ready to go home.
(Note cupcake butt)

Wednesday, August 01, 2012

The Chicken Chronicles - In The Beginning

This blog entry is the introduction to a whole series - The Chicken Chronicles. The purpose of the series is to tell stories about these ridiculously funny birds. But before we can get to the stories, we need to bring you up to date. We were analyzing our food bill one day and realized we were spending a lot on eggs. Additionally, we were looking for teachable moments for our kids - so why not get some chickens?! How hard can this be? We found a number of people at church had chickens - so why not us? So we did some research online and at the library and found a local supplier of chicks - one day old.
Here is Josie right after we brought the chicks home. She is continuing her research on the include observations of the chicks and drawing pictures of them. You can see a couple pictures of the chicks in their new home and the kids checking them out.

We then needed to build a chicken coop for when they get bigger....and boy!...did they get bigger - quickly.

Here is a picture of them starting to get their adult feathers...they really looked terrible for a week or two....

We moved them into the garage...because they were really stinking up the joint...and they were getting really close to being able to escape from the box.
We used a suggestion by G-pa to use a truss construction approach. We built the two sides of the coop first, much like a roof truss. Here are a few pictures of the construction team at work:

Uh comes the Supervisor....look busy!!!

Here are the completed trusses - the sides of the coop.

As soon as we had the coop to the point of occupation, even though it was not complete, we went ahead and moved the chickens.

We decided to make it mobile. It was designed with two fixed wheels at one end. It was so heavy that we could only move it down hill! So it's first voyage was to the end of the drive way.

It was hard to get them to come I tried to bribe them with food.

I labeled this picture: "You go. No, you go!"

One down, seven to go....

Later...I needed to move the coop again because the chickens had scratched up the area in the pen pretty well. I did not want a mud hole, so I had to find a way to move it....I decided to use the tractor. I added a 4x4 under the handles and used a chain to lift and drag it. Nicole got a picture of it in transit.

So here is the current resting place. I will be moving it around every week to give the chickens fresh pickings.

This picture gives you an idea of where it is in relation to the garden. you are now up to date....the next installment of The Chicken Chronicles will be one of the many "stupid chicken" stories....stay tuned!