Saturday, June 25, 2011


Is this enough flare?

(Yes, she's holding a bungee-jumping pig)

You just never know what to expect with Josie.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Violin Lessons

Mommy has started taking violin lessons.

I like to try to play too!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

PBJ Maker

Josie's been promoted to PBJ Maker in our house.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

AJ - 8 Months

AJ is 8 months old. (Actually, she'll be 9 months when this posts.)

Here are some pictures.

This is how we always find her in her swing, head completely cocked to the right.

AJ with G-Pa.

9 month update will come after AJ's doctor appointment.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Driveway Soup


1 Driveway Ditch

1 Gallon of Rain

2 c. Dirt

Stones & Weeds (to taste)

2 Sticks

Driveway soup can also substitute for a fishing hole.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Some Assembly Required

Here we are assembling a new toy containment unit for Josh's room.

Sunday, June 19, 2011


Here's Daddy bringing the first box into our new house.

(It's the new cookware set Daddy got at part of his 10yr. anniversary gift from work.)

Here we are unpacking our books.

And of course, for all of our hard work, we got a snack.

We have most of the boxes unpacked. The last 10% is still sitting in our garage.

Our hope is to someday be able to park the cars in there.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

New Furniture

Here we are waiting for our new furniture.

Now we are trying out our new couch.

Perfect for reading!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Welcome Home

Here is Daddy putting down the Welcome Mat.

This is our new front door.

Stop by and see us sometime.

Saturday, June 04, 2011


The kids were due for a haircut. Daddy decided that this time we'd use the clippers on Josh. There are no pictures of this because 1) Mommy had to restrain a crying, flailing 2 year old and 2) We had to go inside so the neighbors wouldn't call the cops on us. After the clippers, Daddy used the scissors to trim it up the sides and take a little off the top.

I think he's recovered from the trauma.

We'll see what happens when haircut time comes again.

In the end, Josh got his haircut. And he likes it.

Here are some pics of his new 'do.

(Note the interesting character in the background.

Apparently swim goggles are good for haircuts too!)

There are no pics of Josie's haircut because Daddy did one snip across the back and he was done. Mommy missed it while she was trying to feed little sis.

Friday, June 03, 2011

Preschooler Mud Party

Realizing that other children might enjoy our mud pit backyard,

we invited some of our best new buds over for a Preschooler Mud Party.

Much fun was had by all.

Thursday, June 02, 2011

Goo-Goo Goggles

These are Josie's swim goggles.

She uses them for more than just swimming (which by the way she can't do yet).

You may be wondering what Josie is preparing to do

with these goggles and interesting body movements...

That's right. She is getting ready to play in the huge mud puddle in our front yard

after a massive rain.

And here she is exiting the mud puddle, full of grace and style.

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Our Backyard

We've been in our new house for almost 2 months now. But there are some small (and large) things that still need to be done around here. One of them being our yard. We still don't have a paved driveway or sidewalk up to the front door. And until those get done, we can't do the final grading of the yard and plant grass. So we've been making good use of the mud pit that is our back yard...

The kids are loving it!

They might be sad when we actually have a yard.