Saturday, August 28, 2010

Look Who's Two!

Josh here. I turned 2 this past week. Can you believe it?

I had my obligatory doctor's appointment. No shots this time. Yeah!

Here's my stats:

Height: 37.5 inches (off the charts tall!)
Weight: 33 lbs. (90-95% -Sumo wrestler in training)

Here are some random pictures of my cuteness.

Here's me "riding" my dumptruck.
I like looking at my books...
and I can flash a killer smile on-demand.
I like bedtime with Daddy.
Now that I'm 2, I can help out more.
I love playing with our baby dolls. I've decided to wear the diaper bag as a backpack. This cracks up Mommy every time. (Daddy finds it all a little disturbing.)
Josie has been teaching me everything she knows, good and bad!
Stay tuned for party pics!


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