Saturday, August 28, 2010

Party Time!

I had my birthday party on saturday. It was AWESOME!

Sorry you all missed it. Here's some pics about my special day.

This is me waking up. I was trying to put two fingers up to show how old I am now.
Daddy made me a yummy pancake breakfast.
When I finished my breakfast, I went over to mooch food off of G-Pa's plate. "Bite, bite?"
This is my usual habit whenever G-Pa eats with us. I've never been denied :)
The night before my party, I watched Grammy and Josie mix up the cake batter.
Josie got to clean off the beater. Hey, I thought I was the one who was supposed to get messy!
Grammy baked the cake and assembled it to look like a dinosaur.
Didn't she do a great job!
I was very excited about it!
Here's me blowing out the candles.
I told Mommy I wanted to eat a leg.
Look my hands are almost still clean!
Josie enjoyed her piece of cake too! (Actually she had two pieces!)
Aunt Debbie and cousin Breanna celebrated with us too! I love it when they come to visit.
Now it was time for the presents.
I got tons of cool stuff. Books, clothes, Bob the Builder stuff, money, blocks, a wagon, etc. etc.
Here's my new tool belt so I can help Daddy build our new house!
And here we are playing with my new T-ball set.
I did NOT want any help from Daddy! Let me go!
I let Josie have a try too. She's actually pretty good. Don't tell her I said that.


At 2:21 PM , Blogger Jen @ Rolling Through Looneyville said...

Your kids are SO CUTE. I hope everyone's on the mend! And happy birthday to your little guy!


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