Sunday, December 07, 2008

My Day

Josh here. I know you hear a lot about what's going on with Josie, so I decided to let you know about what a typical day is for me.

My day starts at 7am and I'm wanting my breakfast drink right away and a diaper change promptly after that. From then on, I'm constantly fighting the paparazzi trying to get my picture. Everyone wants a piece of me.

The rest of the day is spent eating, taking naps, and having fun. I don't have to go in my crib to take naps. I get to sleep sitting up in my bouncy chair or swing or highchair because I've got a big dent on the back of my head that Mommy and the doctor are trying to smooth out.

This is my floor gym. It used to stress me out, but now I kinda like it for short periods of time.

Mommy makes me exercise too. I don't like it very much, but occasionally I won't cry when I'm on my belly. I'm comfortable enough with my manhood to be seen with a pink tummy time pillow.

Mommy likes to make me laugh whenever possible. Unbeknownst to many, she is sometimes very funny. (Betcha didn't know I could use big, underutilized words like that.)

I also enjoy spending time in my swing watching the birdies...

...and sucking on my lower lip.

I like to spend time with Daddy when he comes home from work.
Now that the weather is cold, I get to enjoy some time by the fire too!

I love watching the fire. It's very relaxing.

At the end of the day (about 8:30pm), its back to the crib I go. Through the night, I enjoy spinning around so Mommy never knows what direction I'll be in when she comes to get me in the morning.
Life is good!


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