Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Josh here. Yes, you read correctly. Now that I can "talk", its time for you to hear my side of the story!

I am now 2 months old. I went to the doctor today. I had to get 4 shots. That's not cool! Here are my stats:
Height: 25.25 inches
Weight: 14lbs. 12 oz.
I'm off the charts. Doc says I'm the size of an average 8 month old!

Okay, see this pumpkin costume. You may have noticed that it doesn't fit very well. I had to squeeze into Josie's old costume, so I wasn't real happy. Those things on my legs are supposed to go down to my feet. And Mommy had to stretch the hat until the seams started to rip. Such is the life of a second child.
I love to suck my thumb. Daddy's been in denial for a few weeks now, and still shakes his head at me. Mommy on the other hand, wouldn't mind if I sucked my toes as long as it helps me sleep through the night.
Watch out ladies! I'm a cutie. And I'll be on the market in 16 years (Mommy edit - 20 years).

Daddy's helping me get ready by teaching me his signature "How you doin?".


At 12:57 PM , Blogger Mommy said...

wow! he looks a lot like gadget in those pictures

At 9:55 PM , Blogger Abi said...

So cute! We're both gonna have NFL players in the family!


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