Sunday, October 26, 2008

Hey there! After two rounds of colds, I'm back and cuter than ever. I've got a lot to get you all caught up on. It's been another fun and busy month. I had a birthday and now I'm two years old, but I'll post about that another day. Today I'll tell you about some other stuff that's been going on.
I helped Daddy do some yard work. Yes, that is a mattock in my hand. Mommy wasn't looking.
Joshua and I shared the bath tub for the first time. I like to "water" my brother, but Mommy always yells at me when I pour it on his head. Such a party-pooper.

I like to bounce my brother in his chair. See him holding on for dear life :)

I like to help Mommy with dinner. She says to snap the ends of the green beans, but I like snapping them down the middle. It makes them taste better.

This is one of the faces I like to make when I'm perturbed about something; like when Daddy keeps wanting to take my picture and I just want to read about the adventures of Curious George.

I now have real sheets and a comforter on my bed. But I can't figure out how to stay underneath them.

We took Joshua on his first hike at Soldier's Delight. He slept through most of it, of course. It was a tough workout riding on Daddy's back.

Last weekend we went to the Country Barn for some fall fun. They had a hay bail maze, petting farm, pig racing, hayrides, and lots of other fun stuff. My Aunt Debbie and cousin Breanna came with us. It was freezing cold, so we were bundled up until we could hardly move.

Look how tall I am!
I sat on Breanna's lap to watch the pig racing. Mommy guessed that the pig in the green bandanna, "Shania Swine" would win, and she was right!
Left to right - Debbie, Joshua, Breanna, me and Mommy.
PS - We're not really on a tractor pulling a wagon of pumpkins getting ready to run over Aunt Debbie and Joshua. It's just a pretend tractor.

Okay, okay. Here are some more pictures of Joshua. Just remember people, I was here first!


At 8:48 PM , Blogger Jen @ Rolling Through Looneyville said...

Your kids are RIDICULOUSLY cute! They seem to look a lot a like!

I love watching them grow! :)

At 2:34 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

How adorable!!! Thanks for keeping this updated


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