Friday, December 05, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving! (Yeah, I know, we're late. But better late than never.)
We had lots of fun up in PA at Grandma and Grandpa R's house. Uncle Aaron and Aunt Kristin came to visit too. I had fun playing playing a card game with Uncle Aaron. When I get bigger, he's going to teach me to play poker.

I helped Grandma make her awesome pumpkin pies. The secret is they're not actually made out of pumpkin. You use Hubbard squash instead. Here I am squishing the squash. It's hard work, but we ended up with seven pies. We made sure to eat them all before we left!
The day after Thanksgiving, we had Raisin Bran Muffins for breakfast, a family favorite. It doesn't sound that great, but if you knew all the bad things that go into making it (ex: Crisco), you would know it tastes good. Mommy tells me the "right" way to eat these kind of muffins is to cut the top off the muffin, place both pieces cut-side up, put on butter and brown sugar, and then pour milk on top and eat it with a spoon, as demonstrated by Uncle Aaron in the picture below. There's actually about four different ways different family members likes to eat these muffins. Let's just say, Daddy doesn't do it the "right" way.

I got a modified version of the "right" way, with less milk and no spoon. Someday I'll be able to eat muffins just like my Mommy. (Holla all you Marylanders, check out my crab plate. Represent.)

Josh just had to sit and watch. Maybe next year buddy.
Check out the duds. He's one cool dude with his Harley onesie and saturday shirt.
Note: saturday shirt is in reference to Grandpa's typical saturday attire, a casual long-sleeve shirt unbuttoned with a T-shirt underneath. He's got a Harley too!
This one's for you Grandpa!


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