Friday, November 06, 2009

My 3rd Birthday

Okay people, Mommy has seriously been slacking on the blog updates. Let me get you caught up on my birthday LAST MONTH!

This is me waking up on the day of my party.
Mommy got a little crazy with her role as family historian.
It's waaaay to early in the morning for a party hat. At least wait until I've had my first cup of coffee (I mean milk).
Now I'm perking up. Nothing like a few pancakes in the tummy to start the day off right.
On the menu for lunch were all my favorite things: tangy turkey meatballs, potato rolls, pierogies, peas and cheese.
Grammy helped me blow out the candles on my cupcake. I did much than last year.
Josh enjoyed his cupcake a little more than on his birthday. It's amazing what a difference two months makes.
When Josh wasn't trying to steal my presents, he was playing with the balloons.
Here's all my goodies. Thanks everybody!
Let's do this again soon!


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