Wednesday, November 15, 2006

I had another Dr. visit and checkup today. Good news is that I am growing - really well. But the bad news is I had to get a shot today! Yuck!! Not fun. I also have my first head cold. I am all stuffed up, can't breath real well and it is hard to sleep. Mom and Dad are doing all the right things - they are using the scary looking squeezy thing that sucks my nose dry, letting me sleep in my bouncy chair, and have a humidifier running in my room too. So I am just suppose to suck it up and ride it out. Oh well, I guess that is life. are my latest stats: I am 1 month old. 23.25 inches long (>95%), 10 lbs 0.5 oz. (75%) and my head circumference is 37.5 CM (50%). If this keeps up I will be tall like my Daddy. I am taller than most kids my age.

One of my favorite things is sleeping in Daddy's arms. Ain't it great!!!

We carved three pumpkins for Halloween. The little one on the right is me!

Daddy planted a tree to in celebration of my birthday. It is a little hard to see in this picture, but it is a Japanese Maple.
While we were at church for a seminar, some awesome friends of Mommy and Daddy came to our house and raked all leaves in our yard. We counted 65 bags!!! The next day the ground was almost covered with leaves, again!!!!!


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