Sunday, May 02, 2010

Pregnancy Update

Baby is now 20 weeks old in utero. Mommy is still feeling sick more often than not. That's one of the reasons why its been a little quiet on the blog lately.
Another reason for the silence is that a screening test showed that our baby has an increased risk (1:19) of having Trisomy 18. This is not a diagnosis, but the possibility has been a difficult thing to process. We had a Level II ultrasound at 18 weeks and everything looked normal, which is a good sign. We did not find out the gender, so you all will have to wait to find out.The only way to tell 100% if our baby has Trisomy 18 is with an amniocentesis. We have chosen not to do that, so we will have to deal with not knowing for sure if he/she will be okay. In a few more weeks, we go back for a fetal echocardiogram. And then at 32 weeks, they will check fetal growth. If there are no abnormalities seen in the heart, and the baby continues to grow, then the chances are good that everything will be okay.


At 10:22 PM , Blogger Genelle said...

Praying for you and the baby! So sorry to hear that you have this scare. God can do awesome things! Every time I look at Evan he is a reminder of just that. ~Genelle

At 3:48 PM , Blogger Jen @ Rolling Through Looneyville said...

Praying hard for you guys! May you have peace through the rest of your pregnancy, too. Hugs to your whole lovely little family.


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