Thursday, March 11, 2010

Josh - 18 Month Update

Josh here. It's time for my close-up. I'm 18 months old now. And having lots of fun.

Stats from my doctor visit:

Height: 33 1/2 in. (75-90%)

Weight: 31 lbs. 1.2 oz. (Off the Chart!)

Mommy is adjusting my diet to get rid of my "beer gut". But other than that, life is great.

I can use real paint during craft time now.

I've got my own snow suit.
I watch videos with my big sis.
I'm still getting used to the utensil thing. This is my first experience with cereal in milk.
I LOVE playing with babies. I have my own, and I've taken over Josie's too! (I was hoping Mommy would have twins :)
I like playing dress-up too!
Daddy thinks we need a little more testosterone around here. Let's hope baby is a boy.


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