Sunday, July 12, 2009

Moving Day

Mommy and Daddy decided that Josh and I needed to switch bedrooms (mostly because my bedroom was more baby-safe already). Daddy took apart my bed and moved it into Josh's room. And I packed up all my stuff.
Okay, I'm packed!
I helped move my things down the hall.
And then we moved Josh's stuff over here.
I love my new room. One of my favorite things is that Daddy took off the rail on my bed so I can get up and down all by my self. Allow me to demonstrate.
Here is the celebratory knee-jumping!
My other favorite thing about my new room is this big window I can stand up and look out.
I like to spy on the neighbors, point to the doggie walking by, and watch Daddy mow.
It makes me so happy!
Here I am taking my first nap in my new room.
I like my new room too! - Josh

BTW - For those of you who were fooled for a moment that we were ALL moving, our house is still for sale. 6+ months on the market and a number of price drops without a single offer.
But we're working on our new house plans (which is lots of fun) so we'll be ready when it does finally sell.


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