Monday, July 06, 2009

4th of July

Hi everybody! We had a great Fourth of July. Check out our stars and stripes.
Grammy and G-Pa had a party at their house. We had relatives galore.
I felt very patriotic that day!
Mommy and Daddy got to relax with Josh.

We had lots of good food to eat.
But Josh had to eat his same old lunch, bread, cheese, beans, and pears. Poor Josh.
While Josh was lounging with the 'rents, I was tapping everyone to "come play with me?!"
G-Pa tried to show me how to play golf,
but I prefer to use the club like a sledge hammer and pound the ball into the ground (if I can actually make contact with the ball).
I hung out with Uncle Aaron and Aunt Kristin a lot too.
Here we are on Josie Rock, one of my favorite places and Grammy and G-Pa's house.
Next up was badminton.
I was on Uncle Aaron's team.
I gave it my best effort, but you'll notice the birdie (shuttlecock) plummeting to the ground.
Then I watched the game for a little while, and played with Aunt Kristin's iPhone. I LOVE that thing. I can zoom through pictures so fast I can't even see them.
Despite texting while driving, the only casualty of the holiday weekend was Daddy's remote-control airplane. The wind got hold of it and crashed it into a tree. Sorry Daddy :(
Hope you all had a wonderful holiday too!


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