Friday, January 16, 2009

Sick Daze

Josh here. Life hasn't been so hot this past week. I've got my first cold... and it's a doozie (vomiting, diarrhea and boat-loads of snot). Mommy's been doing lots of laundry this week.
I went to the doc yesterday morning and I'm now officially a member of the "Fish Face Club" (see December 6 2008 post for more explanation), although Josie doesn't always like to share her Fish Face with me. Of course my temperature was perfectly normal when we went to the doctor's in the morning, and then at 9:30pm my temp. was 103.0 degrees. So Mommy and Daddy and I got to stay up late last night, until my fever broke.

There is one fun thing about having a boat-load of snot at your disposal. It's great for making "boogie bubbles"!

There was only one middle-of-the-night run to the pharmacy, and it wasn't for me. Josie was the one who needed some more Tylenol. Yes, it's true. I was a good brother and shared with my sister. I don't think she appreciates it very much though.

You'll be hearing from us a little more once Mommy and Daddy recover from their sick daze and sleepless nights. Fortunately, they are not the one's that are sick... yet.


At 12:20 PM , Blogger Mommy Martin said...

Oh my goodness! How can he look miserable and cute at the same time? Drew has his 4th cold, so I am familiar with the late nights.

At 10:30 AM , Blogger Jen @ Rolling Through Looneyville said...

Oh my goodness, how on earth can snot be so funny and cute? Has to be the cute baby underneath. He's getting BIG! :)

We seem to be gearing up for another round of colds over here. (It'll be the second for the little one...) So, we feel your pain :)


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